Residents of Colindale Pulse
As your Estate Manager at here at Pulse I’d like to remind all residents of the Estate Regulations below, or download the Colindale Pulse Estate Regulations
Pulse is managed by Crabtree Property Ltd. As managing agents we are required to provide you with these Estate Regulations for the safety of all owners and residents of both freehold and leasehold properties at Pulse.
These Estate Regulations should be read in conjunction with the individual title deeds for leasehold and freehold properties at Pulse. The Regulations have been designed by Crabtree to achieve a peaceful and pleasant environment for the enjoyment of all residents and visitors at Pulse in the interests of proper estate management, and we hope that all owners and residents will support the creation and maintenance of such an environment reflecting the principle of consideration and respect for our neighbours.
We would remind owners that they are obliged to comply with all the obligations and covenants in your freehold or leasehold title, and we request that you make all occupants (including tenants and visitors where appropriate) of your property aware of the Estate Regulations.
Sean Harper
T: 07880887641
E: pulsemanager@outlook.com
E: colindale@crabtreeproperty.co.uk
Out Of Hours: 0203 370 9405
The Developer, Colindale Hospital and Notting Hill Genesis appointed Crabtree Property Ltd (“Managing Agent”) to manage the Manager’s Land
The Manager’s Land includes all areas of the Pulse Estate that have not been conveyed to owners by way of leasehold or freehold title, including but not limited to all roads, footpaths, landscaping, lawns, and communal areas of buildings within Pulse.
Under the terms of the lease of the Manager’s Land, there are obligations of the Management Company to uphold the covenants entered by the owners of the leasehold and freehold properties at Colindale Pulse.
General obligations of the Management Company
- The Management Company is empowered to notify residents of regulations applicable to the Manager’s Land (“Estate Regulations”) under the leases and/or title deeds of individual leasehold and freehold properties in Pulse.
- The Estate Regulations are to clarify the meaning and effect of the covenants applicable to all owners and residents of Pulse, whether freeholders, leaseholders or visitors.
- The Estate Regulations have been designed by Crabtree to maintain the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of Pulse for the benefit and convenience of all owners and residents consistent with their covenants.
- The Managing Agent will enforce the Estate Regulations on behalf of the landowners.
- The Estate Regulations should be read in conjunction with the covenants contained within the leasehold or freehold title deeds and provide residents with guidelines in the pursuit of proper estate management.
General regulations at Pulse
- All owners and residents are to comply with the covenants in their respective leasehold or freehold title deeds and the Estate Regulations.
- Residents are not to behave or permit any person residing or visiting their property to behave, in a manner which is loud, unreasonable, noisy, objectionable, unruly, or otherwise un-neighbourly, but in all matters to act regarding the Manager’s Land courteously and responsibly.
- The use of drones is strictly prohibited as this could cause accidents and, if they are flying over properties, they breach residents right to Privacy and Quiet Enjoyment. Please only fly drones outside Pulse.
- Leaseholders can not underlet or create a tenancy agreement for their property for less than six months. All owners must inform the Managing Agent if they let or sub-let their property for a period of fewer than six months.
- A copy of these Estate Regulations must be presented to the tenant by the property owner.
- No music can be played at any time in the external areas of Pulse.
- Any act, which is likely to interfere with the safety, comfort, convenience, or cause damage, nuisance or danger to any person or property, is prohibited.
- The Management Company Crabtree, reserve the right to limit access or close any part of the Manager’s Land at any time without prior notification.
- No advertising of any kind is allowed within Pulse except where specifically authorised in advance in writing by the Management Company.
- Littering of the Manager’s Land is prohibited.
- Barbeques are prohibited on the Manager’s Land as sited in the lease/TP1 except as part of an event authorised by the Management Company.
- No barbeques are permitted concerning apartments at Pulse as stated in the lease.
- Filming or photography of any kind for commercial purposes on the Manager’s Land is not permitted at any time unless specifically authorised in writing by the Management Company.
- Residents and their visitors are required to keep the noise of any type to a responsible level, to help prevent an annoyance or inconvenience to their neighbours or other residents.
- Use of a balcony, terrace, for storage is prohibited.
- Not at any time to store a barbeque or bicycle on apartment balconies.
- Use of a private dwelling within Pulse for any commercial purpose trade or business is not allowed.
- To keep dogs and other domestic animals at Pulse is subject to a pet application being approved by the Associate Director of Crabtree before the purchase of any pets to be kept on the estate.
Roads, footpaths and gardens within the manager’s land.
- Vehicle speeds are limited to a maximum of 20 mph on all the roads within Pulse.
- Cycling is not allowed on footpaths at any time.
- The use of skateboards, roller skates and roller blades are allowed at any time on the estate.
- Ball games of any type are not allowed on the estate at any time.
- Dogs are always to be kept on a lead while on the estate.
- All residents are required to ensure that their dogs do not foul any part of the Manager’s Land or any private property within Pulse, and if such fouling takes place, the fouling must be removed and disposed of appropriately.
- Where any domestic animal is found fouling or is known to have fouled as above the Managing Agent will be entitled to levy a charge on the owner of the animal for any additional work, damage and general detriment caused. Such costs can be collected directly or added to the owner’s service charge. Repetition of fouling will lead to the withdrawal of the pet consent issued by the Manager to the owner of the animal.
- Obstruction of roads and footpaths of any kind is not permitted.
Gardens and lawn areas
- Cycling is allowed at any time in the communal gardens, area or lawn areas surrounding the estate.
- The use of skateboards, roller skates and roller blades are not allowed in the communal gardens, including areas of lawn or surrounding the estate.
- Playing of all ball games are not permitted in the communal gardens, areas or lawn or areas surrounding the estate.
- Dogs are not permitted in the communal garden, including lawn areas surrounding the estate unless they are on a lead.
- Sitting in, playing in, or interfering with any planters and landscaped areas is not permitted, except for the two planters in the communal garden which are for residents to be able to plant items such as fruit and veg.
Landscaped areas
- Dogs are always required to be on a lead on any part of the Manager’s Land.
- Dogs must not at any time be allowed to foul on any landscaping area on the Manager’s Land.
- If a dog fouls on any landscaping area, the fouling must be removed immediately and disposed of appropriately.
- Where any dog or other domestic animal is found fouling or is known to have fouled the garden, access ways, access roads, footpaths, parking spaces or any part of the Manager’s Land and the fouling is not removed as required above the Managing Agent will levy a charge on the owner of the animal for any additional work, damage and general detriment caused.
- Such charges can be levied directly or added to the owner’s service charge.
- No ball games are allowed at any time in landscaped areas of the Manager’s Land at Pulse
Parking at Pulse
- Vehicles must not park in any area other than the designated car parking bay/s allocated to an owner at Pulse. Unless you have a visitor, they are required to park in a bay marked ‘PF’.
- Use of designated Parking Spaces is subject to the terms and conditions laid down by the Manager. Use of such spaces by residents for their vehicles is not permitted and/ or removal of the misused Visitor Permit, as specified and may result in penalties levied by the Manager as defined in the terms and conditions of use.
- Bicycles and motorbikes must not be chained to railings or other street furniture, unless within a specially designated area.
- If a bicycle or motorcycle is parked in a prohibited area, it will be removed, and the owner of the motorcycle / bicycle will incur the fee for the removal of said item.
- Parking spaces at Pulse are demised to the premises, and part sub-letting of demised leasehold premises is a breach of the lease.
- No commercial vehicles can park at Pulse except for temporary deliveries or servicing of site equipment. No overnight parking of commercial vehicles.
- Parking of caravans, trailers, boats or motorised caravans is allowed except within a private garage.
- No storage is allowed in allocated parking spaces
External areas
Including but not only courtyards and gardens.
- No dogs are permitted at any time, except for access to residential accommodation and only where the Managing Agent’s pet consent is in place.
- All residents to obey by the obligations within the terms of the pet consent
- No barbeques are allowed at any time on the estate or the apartment balconies.
- The consumption of alcohol is not allowed in areas adjacent to other residents’ properties.
- Littering on any part of the estate, including communal areas, is not allowed at any time.
Internal communal areas of apartment buildings
Including entrance lobbies, staircases, lifts and hallways.
- No dogs or domestic animals are allowed at any time, except where the Managing Agent has provided consent.
- Smoking at any time in communal areas is not allowed, residents found to be doing otherwise will be in direct breach of the lease.
- No floor mats are allowed in the communal hallways.
External areas of apartment buildings and houses
- No wireless cables, TV aerials, satellite receivers or other external antennae are allowed on the exterior of an apartment building at Pulse.
- No drawings are allowed on balconies or terraces of apartment buildings.
- No noise of any type shall be permitted that is likely to cause a nuisance annoyance or inconvenience to other residents at any time.
Balconies, terraces
- Not at any time in relation to any terrace or balcony within the property to allow the balcony or terrace to become unkept but to maintain the same in a good and neat order and not to make any alterations (whether structural or not to such balcony or terrace).
- No items other than garden furniture (tables and chairs) and plants are permitted (i.e. no washing or bikes etc.).
- Barbeques are not permitted at any time.
Alterations to properties
- Owners are required to obtain consent from the Management Company and the Managing Agent for any proposal to alter a building or house before making any planning application for permission to change of use or any other development.
- No alteration can be made to the external appearance of any building and house (including colour scheme, treatment of front doors, window frames and walls) forming part of the building or house nor shall any addition be made except when permitted as stated under the Lease or Freehold title deeds.
- No greenhouses, sheds, conservatories, summer houses or similar buildings or structures can be erected upon the property except with the prior written approval of the Management Company, and the Managing Agent which will be based on defined guidelines published by the Manager.
- No openings in a building or house for windows or roof lights of any description are to be made except as specifically permitted by the Lease or Freehold title deeds and subject to any planning permission required.