The onsite team comprises of:
Sean Harper– Estate Manager
Sean joined the team in July 2021 from Mainstay Group. He is experienced in managing large developments, including maintenance, staff, facilities management. Sean is IRPM and MIWFM, ISOSH qualified.
Sean will be responsible for the day to day running of the estate at Pulse, including onsite staff.
Santiago Lopez – Head Gardener
Santiago joined the team on the 8th December 2015 from a previous grounds maintenance company called Communal Grounds Maintenance Limited. Santiago has a great enthusiasm for a busy working environment. Santiago is the Head Gardener responsible for maintaining the aesthetics of the development.

Othneil Hoquee – Gardener
Neil joined the team on the 1st April 2019 and supports Santiago with the day to day gardening responsibilities at the Pulse.
Glen Roberts – Litter Picking & Refuse Management
Glen joined the team on the 19th August 2019 and provides the development with essential everyday refuse management and litter picking of all common estate grounds and gardens, including the bin stores, roadways and paths.
Luis Loucao – Security Guard
Luis joined the team on the 1st October 2016 on a temporary basis. Following a successful trial Luis will be with us for the foreseeable future. Luis patrols the estate and reports on antisocial and illegal activities, liaising with the local Police where necessary.
Armand Enciu – Security Guard
Armand joined the team on the 1st August 2018 and is a great asset to the security team. Armand patrols the estate and reports on antisocial and illegal activities, liaising with the local Police where necessary.

Colin the Truck
Colin was purchased to assist the onsite staff at Pulse with their general maintenance routines, he will mainly be assisting with tasks such as transporting green waste to the composting area from the raised gardens, moving bulk refuse around to collection areas and generally giving a helping hand.
If you see Colin around on site do not be afraid to give him a wave!
The board of directors of Colindale Hospital Management Company Limited comprises of the following Pulse leaseholders, who collectively offer a wide range of skills, knowledge and passion for continuing to strengthen the Pulse community and assist with the effective and cost efficient running of the development.
Mr Joey Skye
Mr Alnawaz Fazal
Ms Emma Sheffield
Mrs Laurie Ardeman
Mr Supun Ekanayake
Mr Sylwester Paczos
Ms Nikita Patel

The Colindale RA, The voice of Pulse
We are known as CVRA (Colindale Village Residents’ Association) and would like to explain a bit about ourselves.
We formed an RA (Residents’ Association) to bring the community together and had a stronger voice in the stopping Paddy Power on our Fairview Developments. So far this has been successful, and the local councillors were very impressed that we had formed an RA with community support so quickly and effectively.